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FAC110011 is the virtual Haçienda brought to life as a mixed reality mobile platform that aims to host music and artistic events for a global audience.


It will feature past, present and upcoming artists whilst also recreating key moments from its history. It also aims to keep the spirit of the original club alive by championing new and original acts from around the world.


This immersive, social experience will connect people in the digital space a bring them together in a truly iconic environment directly from their mobile phone or VR device.


We have devised three ways to experience the virtual Haçienda and, as in the

original building, the intensity

increases as you progress.




Feel free to roam by yourself - day or night you can access all areas from the DJ box to the Gay Traitor bar or even backstage.

Design your avatar and meet up with your guests' avatars and be a DJ for the night in your own private party.

You'll also have the opportunity to attend organised events - DJ nights, gigs, promotions and artistic events.


Every attention has been given to the detail in the HaçiendaVR which has been modelled from the original 1981 plans. Our team includes Ben Kelly (the clubs’ designer) and Peter Hook and together our vision is for the Haçienda not only to live and breathe once again but to grow and progress. Ever wondered what the club would be like if it were still around today? How it might have developed? With the HaçiendaVR we can once again tap that creative pulse and bring it to a new generation of music fans or those who just would like to meet and socialise in a truly iconic environment.

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